Umpire Training Sessions Spring 2025Bases and Plate Training Session on Saturday 1/25/25 from Noon to 2:00 pm at Golden Hill Rec Center. It will be an interactive training, and so please dress to be able to move around easily.
Also, I will be repeating the Bases and Plate Training Session the following Sunday 2/2/25 from Noon to 2:00 pm, but that training session will be at Morley Field instead of Golden Hill Rec Center. Thus, if you can't make the training session on Saturday, hopefully you can make this one.
Finally, I will probably have a Rules Training Session on Saturday 2/8/25 from 10:00 am to Noon at Morley Field, but I will confirm that in a future email.
This is an essential training for anyone interested in umpiring, and/or coaching.
@Golden Hills Recreation Center grandstands by the Southeast Field
[email protected]